Cleburne Pastoral group
HOPE ,Medical Dental Clinic was hosting Cleburne Pastoral group for a lunch.Pastoral meeting was opened with a prayer.
In attendance:
Kenny Rigoulot -United Presbyterian Church of Cleburne ,
Kirklin Cross -Founder of Kirklin Cross Jr. Ministries, Inc.
Willie Stevenson ,Mount Zion Baptist Church
Scott Whitson -Southwest Metroplex Baptist Association ,
Jerry Cox -Crossroads Church of Cleburne,
Kevin Bentley -Bono Baptist Chruch ,
David Baldwin -Greater Mt Zion Baptist Church,
Todd Barham -Hope Church,
HOPE Vice President Roger George,RN,WOCN
Medical Director Steve Johnson,MD
Russell Owens , MD
Benjamin Westcott EMT-PT
Michael Polski , MD, Co-Founder
Diane Westcott Executive Director
Early Church Bishop Augustine said:
“Preach the Gospel always…..
sometimes, use words…..